Students Committees



The Islamic Awareness Committee represents one of the committees concerned with student’s activities aiming at enhancing and implanting Islamic values and principles and connecting students with our great shari’a( Islamic Law) to apply it in their lives plus encouraging students to make the best use of religious seasons.

Committee Interests

1- Preparing useful programs aiming at providing students with information about Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and encouraging them to read his life story.

2- Organizing symposia and forums.

3- Organizing cultural contests aiming at increasing student’s Islamic culture.

4- Using notice boards to serve the aims of the committee.

5- Organizing visits to sacred places.

Committee Members



It aims at raising the cultural level of the students and enhancing their linguistic, cultural, literary and poetic skills, in addition to making the best use of their energy and encouraging their creativity.


1- Organizing cultural activities in the faculty in the light of the faculty activities schedule.

2- Organizing and setting rules of general cultural contests .

3- Organizing cultural contests between the departments of the faculty.

4- Adding a touch of beauty to the faculty buildings by the student’s artistic works.

5- Organizing art exhibitions of students’ artistic works.




This committee represents the link between all the other committees plus working hard to remove barriers between the teaching staff and the students and finding suitable and fair solutions to student’s problems.

Committee Interests

1-Following-up the activities of other committees.

2-Finding constructive, pedagogic programs aiming at containing the students.

3-Organizing journeys including accommodation, financing and programs.

4-Organizing visits to some educational institutions and public utilities that serve students in their relevant specializations.

5-Preparing general, social programs that involve the participation of the teaching staff, administrative staff and students in a friendly atmosphere.




This committee is considered the source of vitality and energy to the other committees as it encourages cooperation and togetherness between students, creates the required competitive atmosphere and makes sporting activity a means and not an end in itself.


1- Organizing games leagues.

2- Organizing a league between the different departments.

3- Following-up the sporting activity in the university ( league between faculties)

4- Organizing sporting festivals.

5- Following –up the events of the faculty league and announcing results.



Last Update
3/27/2017 10:20:58 PM