Unit of Assessment and Academic Accreditation

Improve the educational process at the Faculty of Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture King Abdulaziz University to reach global competitive levels and achieve better learning outcomes.

To declare the educational systems at the Faculty of Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture King Abdulaziz University as capable to meet the standards of similar equivalent local and international accredited systems. In addition, to ensure the achievement of total quality and continuous improvement of the educational processes altogether. Meantime, to upgrade the alumni level in terms of efficiency and competitiveness in the domestic, regional and international labor market.

1- Spreading the culture of academic accreditation, and its necessity among the employees of the faculty

2- Academic performance development at the Faculty of Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture in line with local and international standards of excellent universities systems.

3- Follow-up to the development of the curriculum in all the stages of the faculty programs for both bachelor and master degrees.

4- Raising up the level of teaching performance of the faculty members and ensure the application of domestic and international standards in the educational process at all levels and stages.

5- Renew the accreditation of the approved scientific programs and prepare the faculty to adopt national academic accreditation by NCAAA.

The Strategy of The Unit

The confirmed strategy of UAAA is to achieve the above-mentioned aims, which are depending on following:-

1- Direct supervision of the accreditation process in all its steps

2- Identify all the scientific departments and all the administration activities of the faculty that may affect the accreditation of academic and institutional

3- Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the possibilities and faculty tuition programs and submit proposals and the means to overcome them through the development and modernization of the self-study of the college on a regular basis.

4- Introducing workshops and lectures regularly to the faculty members, students and the faculty administration to motivate them to the standards and requirements of the National Academic Accreditation

•5- Raising up the level of awareness of the new trends in the characterization of each of the courses and academic programs based on Leering Outcomes (LO’s), as well as to meet the standards of modern global universities trends.

6- To supervise, monitor and assist the academic departments and the administration in mobilizing the required valuation models on the level of scientific programs or faculty level.

7- Make sure to check the faculty members of the evaluation results and preparation of periodic reports required for the institution to rely everything related to it.

8- Provide the relevant data and statistics on the process for accreditation

9- Preparing reports and documents related to the process of accreditation and re-equip renovated.

Duties of the UAAA

The Unit of Aassessment and Academic Accreditation (UAAA) was founded and rely on academic administrative decision of the KAU president No. 12639 / S, dated 09/23/1434 H . Based on the new hierarchy requirements of the KAU Vice Presidency for Development, and its affiliates sections, such our faculty deanship of development plus the administrative decision of the Dean of the faculty No. 160022/35 /D int, on 22/12/1435 H, the most important duties for the UAAA are: -

1- Prepare and spread the curricula of all scientific departments files

2- Arrange all the reports and requirements regard to the provision of all a self-study

3- Organize all file with respect to conduct field surveys and the collection, analysis of student questionnaires

4- Organize the regular meetings to train the faculty members and faculty employees on the area for both academic accreditation and institutional requirements

5- Contribute on formation of the Main Committees and Sub-accreditation and quality assurance

Last Update
3/27/2017 10:16:50 PM